Ten Podcasts to Help Learn About Patient Advocacy

Whether you’re already the type of person who wants to know everything about your health, has an advocate, is an advocate, or is just starting out thinking about patient advocacy, we think podcasts are a great place to start.
Podcasts are quick and easy and allow you to multitask while learning new things. So without further ado, ten podcasts we think you should listen to.
1. The Rise of Patient Advocates
Healthsparq does a great job of drawing us into the world of healthcare avocacy with this podcast. Their stories are compelling and hit the heart.
2. To Care is Human
The Beryl Insittute seeks to humanize the idea of care in medicine.
3. The Second Opinion Podcast
Senator and former physician, Senator Bill Frist, M.D., holds no punches when he talks openly about the state of healthcare today.
4. Patient Advocacy Podcast
Kevin Freiert of Check Rare talks about patient advocacy when pateints have to push their doctors of the medical profession to even take notice of their rare disease.
5. Empowered Patient Radio
We’re super fans of EPR and we think you should be too. This is the ultimate podcast house for understanding how to advocate for yourself and others.
6. NPR Patient Advocates
NPR strikes again with an agregated list of all of their best stories and moments about patient advocation and in that wonderful way that NPR does so well.
7. Patient Access Podcast
From a slightly different angle, Patient Access Podcast takes a fresh view on what it means to be a patient in the modern age and how you navigate the system best.
8. The Patient Advocate
From their own words, “This is the Patient Advocate Podcast, a podcast where Patient Advocates are interviewed by Greg Moore, the founder of Marra. Patient Advocates are professionals that help you navigate the healthcare industry for yourself or for someone you’re caring for.” It’s only a little salesy.
9. Healthcare IT Podcast on Health Records
This is less advocacy and more on the medical records side, but we very much love this epidsode of Healthcare IT’s podcast and how they show the importance of personal ownership over your own medical records.
10. TedTalks on Healthcare
And last, but definitely not least, TedTalks. If you haven’t listened to the healthcare talks, you haven’t lived a full life. Run don’t walk.